Rum and Its Origins​

Rum originated in the Western Indies and is referred to in historical writings dating from the 1650’s. These, originating in Barbados, speak of “Rumbillon” meaning “noisy uproar” and referring to the boisterous effect it had on the sugar cane plantation workers. Other sources trace the origins of the name to the Latin word “Saccharun” meaning sugar.

Christopher Columbus is credited with having brought the first sugar canes to America and, three centuries later, rum has its own history, intertwined with pirate tales and seafaring adventure.

The city of Carúpano lies in eastern Venezuela. Historically an important port, it overlooks the Caribbean, and its name has always been synonymous with quality rum production. This reputation of quality stems from the old traditions and methods used by Spanish, Corsican and English immigrants who landed and settled in the city. As Venezuela’s busiest and richest port, Carupano, and its surrounding cocoa, coffee and sugar cane plantations, became a pioneer region spearheading the rum industry during the eighteenth century.

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